Skip manual recording and long production timelines—generate videos instantly. With Influee’s AI UGC video generator, create UGC AI ads for social media and marketing platforms in minutes.
Insert a video script in any language to get a custom video. Adapt video ads to match your brand and audience. Influee’s UGC AI generator analyzes top-performing UGC ads to create AI-generated UGC that engages and converts.
Reduce the cost and hassle of UGC ad production. Influee’s AI UGC generator free allows you to create unlimited, high-quality AI UGC ads at a fixed, affordable price—maximizing your campaign’s impact.
1. Generate AI Avatars With Your Product
2. Full Control Over Your Scripts
3. Get Your Custom UGC Video
Start by receiving a video from one of the +80.000 creators on our platform featuring your product. Our advanced AI technology then transforms this video into an AI Avatar that perfectly matches the creator's appearance, voice and your product.
Work with thousands of vetted creators to produce high-quality videos—product reviews, demos, and more. Then, transform their content into attention-grabbing AI Actors, turning static videos into dynamic, AI-driven performances.
Already have a top UGC creator? Bring them to our platform and convert their content into a fully customizable UGC AI Avatar. With AI for UGC, any creator collaboration becomes a scalable, adaptable marketing asset.
One AI UGC Avatar, limitless possibilities. Swap scripts to instantly generate fresh, audience-specific videos for any campaign.
Create multiple engaging AI Actor intros in seconds. Test different hooks to find what grabs attention and drives conversions.
Turn your top AI UGC creator into a multilingual powerhouse. Instantly generate content in any language while maintaining the creator’s authentic style.
Mix and match AI UGC content with a single script. Get diverse perspectives and craft high-performing UGC AI videos quickly and effortlessly.
Script Version #1
Script Version #2
Script Version #3
This is how I started my journey to feeling lighter and more energized. This gave me the most refreshing and natural cleanse, I love the way it reduces bloating. It helps me feel revitalized and balanced in just a few days, It's gentle on the stomach and doesn't cause any discomfort...
Wenn Sie für Ihr Kleinkind eine nahrhafte Alternative zu Milchprodukten und Soja suchen, sind Sie hier richtig. Dies ist eine absolut gesunde und einfache Lösung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Kleines alle Nährstoffe bekommt, die es braucht, um groß und stark zu werden. Elses pflanzliche Vollnahrung für Kleinkinder ist vollgepackt mit Proteinen, Vitaminen und wichtigen Mineralien, die alle zu...
Let AI handle the edits. Influee's Magic Edit AI UGC automatically adds subtitles, hooks, CTAs, music, emojis, and b-roll. Customize with your brand’s colors, fonts, and logos for a polished, high-converting ad.
Need custom edits? Export AI UGC video raw footage and hand it off to your in-house team or external designers for professional finishing touches.
EQUA je v 1 mesecu ustvarila več kakovostnih oglasov kot v celotnem lanskem letu
Anze Miklavec
Luna \TBWA je pridobila veliko prednost v raznolikosti vsebine
Masa Butara
Director of Content and Digital strategy @ Luna \TBWA
Respire ima rad privzeto uporabo vsebin in plačila ustvarjalcev
Nicolas Juban
Vodja prevzemov
Layoners je sodeloval s 93 ustvarjalci, UGC jim je pomagal povečati prodajo
Simon Terbovsek
CEO @ Layoners
Adapta je imela koristi od ugodnih cen ustvarjalcev
Bea Guerrero
Izvršni direktor @ Ángela Navarro in Adapta Cosmetics
Silvi je podvojil čas ogledov v oglasih z Influeejevo vsebino
Ben Goodman
Co-Founder @ Silvi
Else je iz neverjetne podpore strankam dobila veliko novih idej za videoposnetke
Barak Orenstein
VP za marketing pri Else Nutrition
Eneba je prejela videoposnetke že za 23 dolarjev na posnetek
Greta Liutkutė
C2C trženje @ Eneba
Uporabniške vsebine podjetja Drink6 so znatno izboljšale njihova marketinška prizadevanja
Belen Monedero
Izvršni direktor @ Drink6
Buddy uživa v poenostavljeni rešitvi UGC, ki je na voljo na enem mestu
George Lubitz
Direktor komunikacij @ Buddy
Nordic Social je imel precej uspeha na vseh platformah
Alexander Morabbi Wulsch
CMO @ Nordic Social
LÓA NAILS je prejela fantastične kreative zahvaljujoč Influeeju
Ella T. Jonas
What is AI UGC?
AI UGC (AI-Generated User-Generated Content) is UGC created using artificial intelligence. Instead of real creators manually producing content, AI UGC generators transform scripts into videos featuring AI actors or UGC AI avatars—allowing brands to scale content quickly and efficiently.
What is the best AI UGC content creator?
Influee stands out as the best AI Video Generator, a great add-on for any brand looking to scale their UGC production or enter new markets. Switch from UGC creators to UGC AI Videos on the dashboards and create authentic-looking UGC-style content for your products or services.