Create AI UGC Videos Instantly

High-converting UGC ads that transform creator videos into AI UGC videos in any language. Perfect for brands looking to make AI UGC videos for social media ads faster and more efficiently than ever.

Revolutionary AI UGC Video Generator

Campaign brief

Instant Video Creation

Skip manual recording and long production timelines—generate videos instantly. With Influee’s AI UGC video generator, create UGC AI ads for social media and marketing platforms in minutes.

Campaign brief

Unlimited Customizations

Insert a video script in any language to get a custom video. Adapt video ads to match your brand and audience. Influee’s UGC AI generator analyzes top-performing UGC ads to create AI-generated UGC that engages and converts.

Campaign brief

Cost-Effective, High-Quality Content

Reduce the cost and hassle of UGC ad production. Influee’s AI UGC generator free allows you to create unlimited, high-quality AI UGC ads at a fixed, affordable price—maximizing your campaign’s impact.

How to create UGC using AI?

1. Generate AI Avatars With Your Product

2. Full Control Over Your Scripts

3. Get Your Custom UGC Video

Generate AI Avatars With Your Product

Start by receiving a video from one of the +80.000 creators on our platform featuring your product. Our advanced AI technology then transforms this video into an AI Avatar that perfectly matches the creator's appearance, voice and your product.

Full Control Over Your Scripts

Provide custom scripts for the AI Avatar to deliver with full audio control and pronunciation options. Whether it's a product pitch, testimonial, or ad, our AI ensures flawless delivery in multiple languages. The Avatar lip-syncs naturally, making it indistinguishable from the original creator.

Full Control Over Your Scripts

Get Your Custom UGC Video

Let your AI Avatar deliver customized content flawlessly at the click of a button. Every video is synced, professional, and ready to drive results across all your marketing platforms.

How to Get AI UGC Creators for Avatars?

Access 80K+ UGC Creators on Influee

Work with thousands of vetted creators to produce high-quality videos—product reviews, demos, and more. Then, transform their content into attention-grabbing AI Actors, turning static videos into dynamic, AI-driven performances.

Turn Your UGC Creators into AI Actors

Already have a top UGC creator? Bring them to our platform and convert their content into a fully customizable UGC AI Avatar. With AI for UGC, any creator collaboration becomes a scalable, adaptable marketing asset.

Take Full Control of AI-Generated UGC

Endless Video Variations

One AI UGC Avatar, limitless possibilities. Swap scripts to instantly generate fresh, audience-specific videos for any campaign.

Instant Hook Testing

Create multiple engaging AI Actor intros in seconds. Test different hooks to find what grabs attention and drives conversions.

Effortless Localization

Turn your top AI UGC creator into a multilingual powerhouse. Instantly generate content in any language while maintaining the creator’s authentic style.

Seamless Mashup Ads

Mix and match AI UGC content with a single script. Get diverse perspectives and craft high-performing UGC AI videos quickly and effortlessly.

Instantly Turn Any Script into a UGC Video

Script Version #1

Script Version #2

Script Version #3

Script Version #1

This is how I started my journey to feeling lighter and more energized. This gave me the most refreshing and natural cleanse, I love the way it reduces bloating. It helps me feel revitalized and balanced in just a few days, It's gentle on the stomach and doesn't cause any discomfort...

Script Version #2

Feeling sluggish and bloated? You're not alone. If you're looking for a natural way to cleanse your body, let me introduce you to something amazing, it's the Detox Tea from WOW TEA. Made with 9 potent herbs, it's designed to cleanse your body and speed up your metabolism...

Script Version #3

Hey, wellness seekers, want to know three reasons why the Detox Tea from WOW TEA is a game changer for your health journey? First off, it's a natural blend of 9 potent herbs designed to cleanse your body. Second, it helps reduce bloating, making you feel lighter and more comfortable...

Create UGC Videos in Any Language





Add Script in Any Language

Wenn Sie für Ihr Kleinkind eine nahrhafte Alternative zu Milchprodukten und Soja suchen, sind Sie hier richtig. Dies ist eine absolut gesunde und einfache Lösung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Kleines alle Nährstoffe bekommt, die es braucht, um groß und stark zu werden. Elses pflanzliche Vollnahrung für Kleinkinder ist vollgepackt mit Proteinen, Vitaminen und wichtigen Mineralien, die alle zu...

Add Script in Any Language

If finding a nutritious alternative to dairy and soy for your toddler is on your to-do list, you're in the right place. This is an absolutely wholesome and easy solution to ensure your little one gets all the nutrients they need to grow big and strong. Else's Plant-Based Complete Nutrition for Toddlers is packed with protein, vitamins, and key minerals, all from over 90% organic, whole food plant-based ingredients...

Add Script in Any Language

Si en su lista de tareas pendientes está encontrar una alternativa nutritiva a los lácteos y la soja para su pequeño, está en el lugar correcto. Esta es una solución absolutamente saludable y fácil para garantizar que su pequeño obtenga todos los nutrientes que necesita para crecer grande y fuerte. La nutrición completa a base de plantas para niños pequeños de Else está repleta de proteínas, vitaminas y minerales clave...

Add Script in Any Language

Si vous cherchez une alternative nutritive aux produits laitiers et au soja pour votre tout-petit, vous êtes au bon endroit. Il s'agit d'une solution absolument saine et facile pour garantir que votre tout-petit reçoive tous les nutriments dont il a besoin pour grandir et devenir fort. La nutrition complète à base de plantes pour tout-petits d'Else regorge de protéines, de vitamines et de minéraux essentiels...

Get Raw Footage or Ready-to-Run Ads

Effortless Post-Production with Magic Edit

Let AI handle the edits. Influee's Magic Edit AI UGC automatically adds subtitles, hooks, CTAs, music, emojis, and b-roll. Customize with your brand’s colors, fonts, and logos for a polished, high-converting ad.

Full Control with Raw Video Files

Need custom edits? Export AI UGC video raw footage and hand it off to your in-house team or external designers for professional finishing touches.

Don’t take our word for it

EQUA je v 1 mesecu ustvarila več kakovostnih oglasov kot v celotnem lanskem letu

"Influee pomaga naši ekipi vsebin ustvarjati več kakovostnih oglasnih kreativ vsak mesec, kot smo jih v celotnem lanskem letu."

Anze Miklavec


Luna \TBWA je pridobila veliko prednost v raznolikosti vsebine

"UGC Platforma Influee nam daje ogromno prednost v raznolikosti vsebine, saj nas povezuje z ustvarjalci z vsega sveta. Influee nam pomaga ponuditi strankam raznoliko oglasno vsebino, kar vodi k odličnim rezultatom in zadovoljnim strankam."

Masa Butara

Director of Content and Digital strategy @ Luna \TBWA

Respire ima rad privzeto uporabo vsebin in plačila ustvarjalcev

Glavna vrednost platforme je v združevanju vsega na enem mestu – od iskanja ustvarjalcev do odprave potrebe po dodatnih pogodbah o avtorskih pravicah in urejanja plačil ustvarjalcem. Poleg tega funkcije, kot so komunikacija znotraj platforme in optimizirani delovni procesi, zagotavljajo učinkovitost.

Nicolas Juban

Vodja prevzemov

Layoners je sodeloval s 93 ustvarjalci, UGC jim je pomagal povečati prodajo

"Sodelovali smo s 93 ustvarjalci, ki so ustvarili odlično UGC vsebino, ki ustreza imidžu naše blagovne znamke za našo novo kolekcijo kopalk. Ustvarjena vsebina je naše oglase izpostavila in pomagala povečati prodajo."

Simon Terbovsek

CEO @ Layoners

Adapta je imela koristi od ugodnih cen ustvarjalcev

"Kakovost ustvarjalcev v kombinaciji z ugodnimi cenami predstavlja smotrno naložbo, ki prinaša oprijemljive rezultate in izboljšuje našo spletno vidnost. Z uporabniku prijazno platformo in brezhibnim procesom uvajanja, ki ga omogoča fantastična ekipa, je Influee resnično presegel naša pričakovanja."

Bea Guerrero

Izvršni direktor @ Ángela Navarro in Adapta Cosmetics

Silvi je podvojil čas ogledov v oglasih z Influeejevo vsebino

"Zelo smo zadovoljni z raznolikostjo in velikim izborom kakovostnih ustvarjalcev, izkušenih v ustvarjanju zanimive oglaševalske vsebine, ki prodaja. Oglasi, ki vključujejo Influeejevo vsebino, so podvojili čas ogleda naših običajnih visoko produciranih videov od vrhunskih ustvarjalnih agencij."

Ben Goodman

Co-Founder @ Silvi

Else je iz neverjetne podpore strankam dobila veliko novih idej za videoposnetke

"Ne morem dovolj poudariti, kako je Influee preobrazil naše strategije uporabniško generirane vsebine. Z njihovim talentiranim naborom ustvarjalcev prihranimo nešteto ur dela. Izjemna podpora strankam še poveča njihovo privlačnost, saj ponuja proaktivne ideje in navdih za različne tipe videov. Influee je nedvomno priporočilo z oceno 10 od 10."

Barak Orenstein

VP za marketing pri Else Nutrition

Eneba je prejela videoposnetke že za 23 dolarjev na posnetek

“Influeejev brezhiben proces poenostavlja rekrutiranje ustvarjalcev, zmanjšuje kompleksnost in čas, ki sta običajno potrebna. Z obsežno izbiro ustvarjalcev in prilagodljivimi cenami, ki se začnejo že pri 23 evrih na video, skupaj z učinkovito funkcijo pisanja scenarijev, je postal nepogrešljivo orodje za nas.”

Greta Liutkutė

C2C trženje @ Eneba

Uporabniške vsebine podjetja Drink6 so znatno izboljšale njihova marketinška prizadevanja

"Odkar smo odkrili Influee, imamo dostop do stotin ustvarjalcev po vsem svetu, uporabljamo umetno inteligenco za razvoj scenarijev in ustvarjamo visokokakovostne, stroškovno učinkovite videoposnetke, ki znatno izboljšujejo naša digitalna marketinška prizadevanja. Resnično je spremenilo pravila igre za nas."

Belen Monedero

Izvršni direktor @ Drink6

Buddy uživa v poenostavljeni rešitvi UGC, ki je na voljo na enem mestu

“V preteklosti je bilo sodelovanje z različnimi posredniki pri ustvarjanju vsebine težavno in drago. Vendar je Influee postopek poenostavil v enotno storitev, ki ponuja pisanje navodil, rekrutiranje ustvarjalcev in zbiranje vsebine, kar je učinkovito in stroškovno ugodno. To je prelomnica, ki mi omogoča nadzor in dostopnost cen, ki jih potrebujem, da učinkovito dvignem naše marketinške strategije na višjo raven.”

George Lubitz

Direktor komunikacij @ Buddy

Nordic Social je imel precej uspeha na vseh platformah

"Ali imate težave pri ustvarjanju dovolj vsebine za Meta, TikTok, Youtube in Snapchat? 😥 Potem morate vsekakor razmisliti o uporabi UGC Platforme Influee. Imamo precejšen uspeh s platformo pri nas."

Alexander Morabbi Wulsch

CMO @ Nordic Social

LÓA NAILS je prejela fantastične kreative zahvaljujoč Influeeju

"Hvala Influee, ker ste poskrbeli, da prejemamo fantastične kreative!"

Ella T. Jonas


Pogosta vprašanja

What is AI UGC?

AI UGC (AI-Generated User-Generated Content) is UGC created using artificial intelligence. Instead of real creators manually producing content, AI UGC generators transform scripts into videos featuring AI actors or UGC AI avatars—allowing brands to scale content quickly and efficiently.

What is the best AI UGC content creator?

Influee stands out as the best AI Video Generator, a great add-on for any brand looking to scale their UGC production or enter new markets. Switch from UGC creators to UGC AI Videos on the dashboards and create authentic-looking UGC-style content for your products or services.